19 janvier 2011 - A Sunny Day

What a French housing development looks like.
An aide at École de la Canéda offered me to tutor her middle school-aged daughter. I took a picture of her English textbook... I was amused by the language. I have translated Part 2 into American English- the modifications are in blue.
Barbara:    Good afternoon! Tina’s not here today. Is something wrong?
Julie:         Yes, she has the flu.
Barbara:    Oh, that’s too bad! Well, today I have a new song for your test on Monday.
Dave:        Oh, no! Tina doesn’t have the music!
Barbara:    Well, who has Tina’s phone number?
Julie:         I do! I can call and see Tina after class.
I love the golden color of the rock on the hillside.
This is what the French do on a sunny day... they go outside and enjoy it.
The sun reflecting off the windows.